About our centre
Ashmore Community Children’s Centre was established on the 17th February 1986 and is a wonderful community-based child care centre set in a natural environment. The centre has been proudly providing care to Gold Coast children for over 30 years and as a not for profit community child care centre, any profits made are invested in the centre, staff and program to provide the best early education experience for our children.
Ashmore Community Children’s Centre is a small centre that has a maximum of 44 children each day. The beauty of a small centre, like ours, is that all the educators and staff have a close personal relationship with all the children and their extended families. We cater for children aged 6 weeks through to 5 years of age.
The centre is overseen by a volunteer Parent Management Committee, and this gives parents a fantastic opportunity to contribute their expertise and also be involved in the decisions that shape the direction of the centre.
The centre provides healthy and nutritious meals, all prepared in our on-site kitchen by our dedicated cooks. Our menu is approved by Nutrition Australia and reflects the dietary needs of the children in our care.

Our Philosophy
We at Ashmore Community Children’s Centre are committed to the pursuit of excellence in the provision of a quality learning environment which is accessible, inclusive and play based. We see play as the “heartbeat” of our curriculum, it supports all areas of education and care.
Our ongoing relationships with families ensure that we provide a warm, supportive, nurturing care and education environment that is an extension of home.
We aim to allow each child in our care to achieve their potential by creating an environment where children can become enthusiastic, inquiring and challenged.
Children are encouraged to follow their own interests; to take risks where they become in a sense, a catalyst for their own curriculum.
Our curriculum is based around a number of key concepts and focus points reflecting the National Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) Belonging, Being and Becoming.
We encourage and support respectful and reciprocal relationships with the community to foster involvement in children’s learning and ongoing involvement in our centre.
We acknowledge, promote and respect a greater understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing and being.
We at Ashmore Community Children’s Centre value:
- Respect
- Diversity
- Equity
- Relationships
- Individuality
- Reflection
- Play